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Dear Wendy Wildcat,
This boy who sits next to me in English class smells like he bathes in a human-size laundry basket full of dirty socks. If this continues for any longer, my nose hairs may burn off. What should I do?
Sincerely, Concerned Christina
Dear Concerned Christina,
I am SO sorry this is going on. Unfortunately, large percentages of high school males either smell like they’re drenched in AXE body spray or socks marinated into the soles of their shoes. My best advice is to inform him of his rancid stench and remind him that deodorant is always an option. If this gets worse, consider taking matters into your own hands and sneaking miniature deodorant into his backpack; feel free to write a note letting him know it’s from me, the one and only Wendy Wildcat.
Sincerely, Wendy Wildcat
Dear Wendy Wildcat,
I want to join this new club in school, but my friends keep making fun of me for it. The constant criticism keeps pushing me away from joining. Can you give me advice?
Sincerely, Distressed Dylan
Dear Distressed Dylan,
If you believe that a club seems fun, do it! Do not let friends deprive you of being yourself and having fun. If your friends make fun of you for things that interest you or things that you enjoy, they’re not true friends. By joining clubs, it opens the opportunity to make new friends with similar interests! Plus, you’re cooler than your friends anyways. If they make fun of you for your interests, just remember their interests are probably more lame than yours. Always remember Wendy Wildcat has your back.
Sincerely, Wendy Wildcat