Chloe Schwettmann as the titular role in "Mary Poppins."
Seniors Chloe Dearwester and Chloe Schwettmann have both had incredible achievements and truly embody the diversity of success here at Harrison. From athletics to the arts, these students have represented our core values to the fullest extent.
Senior Chloe Dearwester has primarily achieved success as a member of the Girls Wrestling Team, becoming a four-time state champion, two-time team state champion, three-time Fargo national placer, and fourth-ranked in the nation during her time at Harrison. Dearwester began wrestling at the age of 10, and the welcoming environment of the Harrison wrestling room drew her into the sport and cemented a love of wrestling. She explained “Harrison has had the greatest impact on me. I don’t know if I would still be wrestling if the Harrison community wasn’t as supportive as they were for girls wrestling.” This support truly extends throughout the whole community, with Mayor Ryan Grubbs himself recognizing March 22nd, 2024, as Chloe Dearwester Day in Harrison, Ohio.
“If I switched lives with Chloe Schwettmann for a day, I would spend the whole day singing and acting like different people or characters.” -Chloe Dearwester
Chloe Schwettmann has also had many significant accomplishments, mainly in her extracurricular activities of theater and a cappella. Schwettmann has secured many awards for her role in theater, including a Cappies nomination for Best Female Vocalist and an Outstanding Supporting Actress student choice award for her role as Alice Bieneke in The Addams Family, as well as a Most Valuable Crew Member and Most Graceful Under Pressure student choice award for her work as Student Director in Radium Girls. As a senior, she also starred in Mary Poppins as the titular nanny, and as bombshell law student Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, for which she secured a Cappies nomination for Best Actor for a Female Role in a Musical and Best Marketing and Publicity. Chloe is also a member of the cappies team, which was nominated for best cappies team. Schwettmann described her role in Mary Poppins as “my favorite memory from High School. It was the most insane experience being connected to the fly equipment, and while it was really scary sometimes, the crowd’s reactions made everything worth it. I had the time of my life.”
“If I could switch lives with Chloe Dearwester for a day, I definitely wouldn’t compete in a wrestling match… I would make her lose her winning streak. I would love to see what it entails though!” -Chloe Schwettmann
However, Schwettmann and Dearwester are more than their stellar performances in their extracurriculars. Dearwester, for example, also excels in ceramics and had a pot she made on display at Queen City Clay in March. She explained how, despite her local celebrity status, she has a fairly normal day-to-day life consisting of school, where she spends most of her time in the ceramics room, lifting and wrestling practice, and then a restful night of watching TV, listening to music, or doing school work. Schwettmann described a similar routine, explaining that she starts her morning with an A Cappella rehearsal followed by a busy day at school, as she is taking four AP classes this year as well as choir and DECA.
Both Schwettmann and Dearwester plan to continue their education after high school. Schwettmann is committed to Bowling Green University, where she plans to major in Psychology with a minor in Theatre, and Dearwester is committed to Presbyterian College, where she will major in Education. Dearwester also explained that she hopes to return to Harrison after college, with a goal of teaching and coaching girls wrestling at WHHHS.
Despite their similarities, Dearwester and Schwettmann also display the diversity and wealth of opportunities Harrison provides. They display academic, artistic, and athletic dominance, and it is clear that they have left their print on Harrison, not just for their amazing achievements, but their amazing character. Junior Ashlyn Fuhrmann described Schwettmann, stating “She’s truly like a ‘mom friend’ and will always go out of her way to help others. I remember one time I left my wallet at home when I was at work, and she came and bought me food so I could eat. She’s an amazing person.” When asked about Dearwester, freshman member of the girls wrestling team Serenity Kinsel explained “Even though she pushes us all, she is always there for us when we need her. She is an equally good friend as she is a wrestler.”
Clearly, there are many ways to leave an impact on your school and community. Whether it be through participation in sports or the performing arts, setting an example in the classroom, or being a good friend, the Chloes have certainly built a legacy for themselves at WHHHS. Looking at their example helps us to wonder: Where will you leave your print?