Wendy enjoying her summer break
Dear Wendy Wildcat,
What do you plan on doing during the Summer? It’s gonna be really hot outside this year!
Heat Lover Henry
Dear Henry,
I plan on relaxing, not having to worry about you high schoolers bothering me while I get my boiler room tan on! Summer of ‘24 is gonna be my time. I just wish the school would continue using the air conditioning during summer because it makes the boiler room a VOLCANO. Talk about the heat in there. I may also go swimming in the school toilets and sinks to cool off a bit from the heat. I’m naturally hot (Cats hit my DMs up) so swimming is gonna be a fun way to help that!
Wendy Wildcat
Dear Wendy Wildcat,
How do you feel about students being gone from school during the summer? Will you miss us?
Summer Sammy
Dear Sammy,
I will not miss you! Enjoy your summer and not being in school because I enjoy it just as much as you. Peace and quiet on the daily sounds perfect to me. All I have to deal with is the custodians waxing the floors (which makes for a good skating rink, tbh). Also, I get to eat as much of the leftover school lunches as I want– they even put it in a convenient black trash bag for me! They take care of me well in summer because they know I am the heart of the school and without me, the school would be mundane and boring.
Wendy Wildcat
Dear Wendy Wildcat,
Have you ever been on Vacation? What are your thoughts on student vacations?
Vacation Vinnie
Dear Vinnie,
I love student vacations. In fact, go as far away as possible….. And don’t come back! I do not have good experiences with vacations; therefore, I do not enjoy them. Supposedly you are supposed to have peace, quiet, and relaxation. Instead, you get chased around a foreign school by a Trojan. Maybe one bad experience shouldn’t justify my hatred for them, but if you are looking for a vacation spot, East Central High School is not the place to go!
Wendy Wildcat
Dear Wendy Wildcat,
I don’t understand why we have advisory. All it does is make all of our bells shorter! I hate change and it messes up my flow. Did you have advisory in your day? How do you feel about it?
Sincerely, Frustrated Fiona
I HATE ADVISORY!! The teachers SAY that it’s for “planning your future” and “exploring career options,” but what is the point of exploring different careers when my full time job is living in the boiler room?! All it does is waste my time and shorten the other bells. Even worse, LUNCH IS LATER!! What kind of person eats lunch at 1 PM??? All it does is waste 30 minutes out of my day I could have spent rummaging through the dumpsters! We need to stop with all this college nonsense and go back to our regular bell schedules. I never went to college and I turned out just fine, look at me!
Anyway, don’t worry about all of this nonsense with advisory because I’m sure you’ll end up a millionaire anyway and giving your good old friend Wendy some money, right?
Wendy Wildcat