The Paw Print

The Student News Site of William Henry Harrison High School

The Paw Print

The Paw Print

Summer is for Working?

Summer is for Working?

Out of school for the summer? Looking for a way to earn money? Well the solution may be closer than you think. Right here in our little town there are plenty of employers that are looking for young and lively new minds to enter the workforce.


Some local places that are hiring are, 

-Dunkin as a part time crew member for teens 16+

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-Graeter’s ice cream for as a team member,16+

-Mcdonalds as a part time crew member 14+ 

-Dave & Busters as a Front desk/host at 16+

-Arby’s crew members for 14+. 


Why is getting a job worth your time? I mean it’s summer, why should you be working? Well there are a lot of reasons why jobs are beneficial for younger teens. Going into the workforce can be scary and intimidating, but it builds character. According to Web Md, getting a job at a young age is one of the many things they recommend for the developing minds of young adults. Working a job during high school helps you stand out, and working can help to “teach high schoolers responsibility and accountability.” This gives you a chance to learn more about yourself and how you are able to function under pressure, along with learning how to work with others in a professional setting. Harrison High School core values are trust, respect, ownership, and leadership, these are all things jobs help you gain. Furthermore these characteristics will help you farther down the road in your career path.

Working can help to “teach high schoolers responsibility and accountability.”


Freshman Jacob Rudolph, who has been working at LaRosas all year explains,

“Some experiences that you receive when getting a job are communication and thinking ahead, as well as keeping your mind active over the summer.”

There are plenty of things that getting a job can help you with, not just experience, and he has experienced that first hand.


Getting a job now will make it easier for you to understand the value of money and make sure that you are able to manage it properly. Managing money is an important life skill that all people will have to learn in their lifetime, so why not learn it young? As inflation increases, items are getting more and more expensive, and as you get older your parents won’t be there to pay for everything. Getting a job will allow you to learn the importance of budgeting. Web MD continues to talk about the money management aspect of getting a job as they state, “They develop a work history and can take those skills with them to the adult working world.” Learning skills at a young age is extremely helpful as you grow up and getting a job is one of the ways to gain those skills.


Learn new skills, meet new people, and make money all at the same time. Working as a teenager is a win/win ,so why not get a job and become a part of the wonderful community of Harrison?

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About the Contributor
Brooklynn Bowling
Brooklynn Bowling, Staff Writer
Brooklynn Bowling is a freshman at Harrison high school. She dance professionally at plant dance in Cincinnati, and she enjoys cooking and baking for her friends and family.
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