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The Student News Site of William Henry Harrison High School

The Paw Print

The Paw Print

Baseball and Softball Swing Into Action

JPW Media
Harrison Softball v. Little Miami

Spring is a wonderful time to be here and experience the warm weather, the flowers, and air! Not only that, it’s baseball and softball season! Baseball and softball are both continuing to excel in their sport this year. Let’s get into both of their seasons in detail.

Our baseball team currently stands at 12-4. They’re currently ranked 2nd in the SWOC division. They’ve continued to grow as players and a team as they slowly approached their last game on May 10th. Even with a new coach this year, they still continue to dominate the SWOC division and succeed as a team.

The new baseball coach, Benjamin Toerner, says that the community is very “loving and supportive.” And while the team has been doing well, he feels that the spring weather definitely slows them down. He feels “This spring’s weather hasn’t been super helpful with getting into a flow,” but thinks they can fight through it. He’s still thinking of ways they can improve and ways to help make our baseball team better. 

Our softball team is also having lots of success. The softball team currently stands at 7-2, which has been a good season for them. Those girls keep playing hard and striving to increase their talent everyday. They’re very determined to keep playing hard and not give up, making perseverance a forefront of their team. In the tournament, they played their hearts out and made it to the second round. 

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There is one specific person on the team making the most of her season, Montana Younker. She is having an outstanding season this year as a sophomore. Younker thinks, “the season is going great,” which most of us could agree on. Younker is a very big help to the team. Her and her teammates strive to get better everyday, working harder than the day before and putting in more time and focus to the sport they all love.

Our teams have both very talented young men and women who are all thriving and pushing through the season to make it to the playoffs. Even with the new baseball coach the boy’s team has been able to push through and continue to thrive while Montana Younker is having an outstanding season and is helping our softball team push through to the playoffs.

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About the Contributor
Emily Watjen
Emily Watjen, Staff Writer
Emily Watjen is a freshman who plays basketball and likes listening to music. She has 3 siblings including 2 brothers and a sister. She likes her cat Berry.
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