A new ASL program was added last year! Until then our world language program was just Spanish since our French program got removed after the 2020/2021 school year. After the first teacher resigned last year, Mrs. Wallace came in and made some amazing changes to our program! After being hired unexpectedly over the summer, Mrs. Wallace jumped right into this program headfirst. Mrs. Wallace is the first deaf ASL teacher our school has had.
She has been very vocal about how excited she is to share her culture with our school! As she stated, “I am deaf and so it is extra special to share the language and culture.” She has some very exciting things planned for this program! Such as our new ASL club! The goal for this club is to meet about once a month and do super fun activities such as movies, cultural and ASL games, ASL games, and many more! Along with this, all the club meetings would be voices off, meaning! This means all communication will be written or signed! Also, Mrs. Wallace is planning on having many speakers in her classroom, including. These will include deaf speakers, deaf-disabled people, hard-of-hearing citizens, and parents of deaf people! Are you wondering how you can easily get involved with ASL without taking a class? Well, Mrs. Wallace is doing weekly trivia, and the winners get a free Wildcats ASL shirts! We hope to see you showing your support for our awesome ASL program!