Photo rights to the Great Oaks website
Some of your fellow Wildcats don’t actually attend Harrison High. They go to high school at the Diamond campus of Great Oaks.
Great Oaks offers so many opportunities to students from multiple school districts, including: Harrison, Finneytown, Mt. Healthy, North College Hill, Oak Hills, Taylor, and many more. Diamond Oaks offers many programs to students who wish to go into a trade such as Automotive Service Technician, Cosmetology, Dental Assisting, Engineering Technologies and Robotics, Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, Firefighting/Emergency Medical Service, Health Technology, etc.
Junior Haylee Cullman is a student who attends Diamond Oaks. Her school day starts at 7:50 and ends at 2:18. She is studying to become a Vet Technician. When asked if she believes this is setting her up for success she replied “Yes, I am learning things for my future rather than sitting in classes I don’t need.” She gets to learn about things for her future career everyday. Many schools may not have this opportunity for their students. One of Haylee’s favorite things about going to Diamond is “how they still have you involved with your home school, like when we have pep assembly’s at Harrison we get to have early dismissal to be at the assembly.” Also, students who go to Diamond still get to do after school activities at their home school. Haylee is involved in cheerleading for Harrison but still attends Great Oaks during the school day.
You can apply to Great Oaks as a Sophomore (for your Junior year) or a Junior (for your Senior year). Applying as a Sophomore, you are more likely to get accepted but you also are able to apply as a Junior. If you are a Sophomore or Junior interested keep your eyes peeled for an application to attend Great Oaks and take advantage of the opportunities your school gives you.