It’s the 4th bell and you have lots to do, Evanson tells you to take your laptops out and write the newest article. One problem: the article won’t load. With most school work becoming computer based, the internet is an important factor in school now. The bad internet this last quarter has led to multiple academic setbacks to students at Harrison, leading to difficulties in both teaching and learning throughout the school buildings.
Multiple class curriculums have been changed to incorporate new technology into their learning, but the bad internet is holding back new learning opportunities. With many powerpoints, in and out of class assignments, websites, OneNote, Teams, and more, the use of our computers is more necessary than ever. When asked to respond to a survey, 100% of the 51 respondents filled out yes to experiencing bad internet this quarter and 67% filled out that it has affected their academics.
Although internet issues can be frustrating, it’s important to show grace to the tech guys and school as a whole. We have constant growth in students who go to Harrison and as a result everything including our internet could use an upgrade. Bad internet is a problem everywhere with a multitude of reasons this could be occurring, here at school or otherwise. Despite the frustration caused by internet issues, it’s important to recognize that the tech team and the school as a whole are trying their hardest to resolve it.