Did you know that just for NFL betting, it is projected that Americans will bet 35 million dollars? Just this year?!
In Ohio, the law for sports betting is you have to be at least 21 years old to place a bet. However, many people choose to place bets underage anyway. 75% of students know there is a law prohibiting placing bets under 21 but choose to ignore.
Many students don’t get caught underage gambling because there are many apps that you can bet on. A lot of people say, “You can just lie, most people do.” Some apps don’t really check your age or are made for underage betting so that’s what people use when they are underage.
At Harrison, 38% of the students who filled out a poll have bet on a sport before. 80% percent of those people gained money. March Madness brackets are the most common sports betting activity. Many families fill one out just for fun, but there are places and games that people play to gain money from it.
Placing bets even as an adult is a dangerous habit to start, in high school it is even worse to start that habit. There actually is a disorder for gambling problems called compulsive gambling. This problem is as bad as an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Compulsive gambling is when someone can’t control their urge to gamble, even when it causes negative consequences like problems with finances and overall well-being.
Sports betting can not only affect you, but also your family and friends. Being around a gambler can cause a lot of stress. The stress and worry from this horrible disorder can lead to physical and mental health problems for the gambler’s loved ones, including anxiety and depression.
At our high school not many people bet with money, but it can still affect anyone. If you have a problem, reach out to someone!