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  • September 18Make sure to order your Yearbook while it's at its cheapest by tomorrow
  • September 17If you're an avid reader, stop by Room 116 this Thursday to join Book Club right after school
  • September 17Seniors, be sure to order your cap & gown, information can be received from the office.
  • September 13Need school help? Free tutoring is offered in the morning in Siemer's Room
  • September 9Message John "Hogmaster" Jacob for directions to his house for floatbuilding. Remember, floatbuilding participation is mandatory to join certain events.
  • September 5Seniors, check Naviance for college information
  • August 28Want a free Coro ticket? Check out the Bingo Board in your Class Of Teams Page. A Junior and Freshman winner is still needed.
  • August 22Juniors volunteers needed to help in football concessions stand
  • August 21Headed to college? Check out the college fair on September 29th at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of William Henry Harrison High School

The Paw Print

The Paw Print

Julia Freese

Julia Freese, Photo/Art Editor

Julia Freese is a sophomore at Harrison Highschool. Apart from working as an editor and writer for the Paw Print, she is involved in Key club and Student Council. In her free time Julia enjoys reading, baking, and volunteering.

All content by Julia Freese
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