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  • January 29Students taking a CCP Class next year must attend a CCP meeting on Feb. 27th, at 7:15
  • January 28The annual Harrison job fair is on March 6th in the AC, any junior or senior interested should fill out the form in their "Class Of" Teams page
The Paw Print

The Student News Site of William Henry Harrison High School

The Paw Print
The Paw Print

Unified Sports

Unified sports also known as Special Olympics is a series of activities that some students with special needs get to participate in. These events sometimes include gen ED students to help the special needs students and mostly happen throughout the school day. Some events include basketball, track, or sometimes include baseball. Most of the gen ED students sign up for buddy club if it is happening that year to go on these events. For more information contact [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


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