Dear Wendy Wildcat,
I just took the ACT. I’m so nervous that I did horrible on it. If I get a bad score, will I still get into college???
ACT Taker Tim
Dear Tim,
The ACT is not THAT important. Although I got the best score in Harrison history, I don’t believe it is that important. My score of 7 and I are dancing on your worries…. I am beyond successful, regardless of my score on the ACT because I am me! You have never seen a more successful writer than me, EVER. I am a modern-day Shakespeare without having a goofy name like William (which by the way, HE DIDN’T HAVE A MIDDLE NAME??? THAT IS SO CRAZY…. WHAT??! He would have been much more successful if his name was “William Wendy Shakespeare,” and you and I both know it). That knowledge I just shared was all without using my amazing ACT score, so regardless of how you did, you can be successful without it. Take it from me, Wendy Watson Wildcat! I’m clearly better than Shakespeare due to his lack of a middle name… and his complete lack of an ACT score.
Wendy Wildcat
Dear Wendy Wildcat,
How do you feel about the Grammys and Oscars? I think some of them were undeserved!
Oscar loving Oscar
Dear Oscar loving Oscar?? (You guys clearly are not creative enough to make an actual nickname…)
Despite your weird name, which is not the only weird thing being mentioned here… I can settle my opinion very easily… BEYONCÉ. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!? BEYONCÉ???? Not only her winning album of the year (which was robbed,) but the fact that it was a “country” album, makes it even worse. They really had the biggest girl bosses of pop music there and chose a country album. That’s enough of that or I may crash-out and implode. Moving on to the Oscars, Timothée Chalamet, the man you are… MEEEOW YOU WERE SO DESERVING OF THE WIN. THE SPEECH HE GAVE WAS SO INSPIRING TOO!! HE WANTS TO BE ONE OF THE GREATS AND I WANT TO BE ONE OF HIS GREATS AND BE TOGETHER FOREVER. That’s basically my common understanding of those ceremonies because I honestly don’t know much. When I get nominated for one though I will be telling everyone I was a D1 fan for years and years.
Wendy Wildcat
Dear Wendy Wildcat,
The workload keeps adding up. I have 15 missing assignments and spring feels miserable already. Do you have any tips to get out of this funk?
Academic Decline Darron
Dear Darron,
Academic declines are completely normal, especially during the third quarter. It is the most exhausting time of the year; it’s the hardest time for most of your classes, and the late winter transition to early spring doesn’t help with that. I will say, if you have any writing assignments you need done, Wendy Wildcat is in the market for some English work if the price is right. Keep pushing through, the fourth quarter is approaching soon, and the miserable weather will be long gone. Summer is on the horizon, and you will get to enjoy yourself! (I will be able to enjoy myself because you guys will be gone.) I think you should keep working hard so you don’t have to attend summer school and disrupt my peace. All in all, if you are missing a few assignments, it isn’t the end of the world. Just make sure you moderate and control how much you are missing.
Wendy Wildcat