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  • January 16Seniors, orders are now available for your "Class Of" T-Shirt
  • January 13Attend this month's Book Club meeting on Thursday after school
  • January 9Attend the 1st Harrison High Dunk on February 8th at the Firehouse in Downtown Harrison

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of William Henry Harrison High School

The Paw Print

The Paw Print

Wendy, in her signature bow, is characteristically grumpy.

Wendy Wildcat, Staff Writer

Wendy Wildcat is a 52 year old Harrison Graduate (class of ‘87). She peaked in high school, and when she realized how awful being an adult was, she snuck back into Harrison High and now lives full time in the boiler room. She answers student questions with her trademark blend of snark and wisdom, helping current Wildcats navigate the chaos of adolescence with humor and honesty. Like her favorite animal (the wildcat), her preferred food is mouse, but she’ll eat pretty much any small animal. When she can’t get that, she digs through the trash to find the leftover General Tso’s chicken from lunch time. 

All content by Wendy Wildcat
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